Sofifreu Art
Art makes you look.
And when you look,
then you see art in everything.
When you see life as a work of art,
in whatever form it may present itself to you,
then you have found hapiness in the present moment.
This is how I witness art:

The pillars of creation
Acrylic on canvas
‘Along the edges of the pillars are wavy lines that look like lava.
These are ejections from stars that are still forming.
Young stars periodically shoot out supersonic jets that can interact within clouds of material, like these thick pillars of gas and dust.
This sometimes also results in bow shocks, which can form wavy patterns like a boat does as it moves through water.
These young stars are estimated to be only a few hundred thousand years old, and will continue to form for millions of years.’
Inspired by the image taken by the James Webb telescope on August 14,2022

The southern ring nebula
Acrylic on canvas
‘This scene was created by a white dwarf star – the remains of a star like our Sun after it shed its outer layers and stopped burning fuel through nuclear fusion. Those outer layers now form the ejected shells all along this view.’
Inspired by the image taken by the James Webb telescope on July 12th,2022
More pieces of the space (within) collection
can be found under the portfolio section
The James Webb telescope is the most powerful telescope ever built.
It allows astronomers to look deeper into space than we ever have.
Not only this, but it is the only form of time travel that exists to date,
as it can capture images of the first galaxies which were formed
200 million years after the big bang.
Webb studies galaxies at all stages of development and ages of cosmic history.
Webb captures light from the first galaxies in their nascent stages of development; measures star formation rates within galaxies near and far;
and creates detailed maps of gas, dust, and even dark matter in our local universe.
Webb’s studies are designed to help us understand the diversity of galaxy composition and structure over space and time;
how galaxies form, interact,and change;
and how supermassive black holes and their host galaxies influence each other.
Be mind-blown by the beauty of the universe and the physics behind them:
About the artist

Sofia Freudenthal
M.D and Artist
Sofia is a contemporary artist with German-Bolivian roots, based in La Paz, Bolivia.
Her interdisciplinary creations encompass mixed media painting and digital art, exploring themes of science and existentialism.
Focusing on consciousness and the origins of existence, she embraces a multicultural and open-minded viewpoint that honors the beauty of the human experience.